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2001 Cessna 182T Skylane. 2335 TT. 699 SFRM. 699 SPOH. BRS Parachute, GTN-750 with Stormscope & WAAS, Dual G5’s, GFC500, ADS-B In/Out.
2001 Cessna 182T Skylane. 2335 TT. 699 SFRM. 699 SPOH. BRS Parachute, GTN-750 with Stormscope & WAAS, Dual G5’s, GFC500, ADS-B In/Out.
2001 Cessna 182T Skylane. 2335 TT. 699 SFRM. 699 SPOH. BRS Parachute, GTN-750 with Stormscope & WAAS, Dual G5’s, GFC500, ADS-B In/Out.
699 Since Lycoming Factory Remanufactured Engine
Leather Seat Surfaces: Dark Gray with Perforated Inserts
USA Edition! Red – White – Blue!