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Ads-b receiver used in like new condition. Comes with unit and charging cord. Listed for $199.00 or best offer.
Ads-b receiver used in like new condition. Comes with unit and charging cord. Listed for $199.00 or best offer.
The Stratus 2S delivers weather, dual-band ADS-B traffic and WAAS GPS information to your ForeFlight Mobile app, but the built-in AHRS technology also drives a very responsive pitch and bank instrument in the center of the Synthetic Vision view on ForeFlight. Synthetic Vision provides luminous terrain, night sky view and a brilliant obstacle awareness system, making AHRS an excellent backup for emergency situations.
Stratus 2S is wireless with an 8-hour battery life. It comes equipped with Stratus Replay (a feature that enables the device to store weather information even when your iPad is asleep), a pressure altitude sensor, and a built-in flight data recorder (for replaying your flights using Google Earth or CloudAhoy).