Verified Seller Accounts

      Increase buyer confidence by having your account verified.

      When Aviators Market has confirmed that a seller is who they say they are, a verified badge Verification Badge will appear next to the account name in the search results, within the listing details, and in the aviation business directory. This helps buyers navigate the market with confidence, often seeking out only verified sellers.

      Here's how it works

      We have established verification criteria that helps us weed out bots and scams. This criteria starts with our Aviators Market terms of service, and extends to require that your listing and the seller be:

      • Authentic: Your account must represent a real person, registered business or entity.
      • Unique: Your account must be the unique presence of the person or business it represents. Only one account per person or business may be verified.
      • Complete: Your account must be active and have a completed seller profile and at least one listing.
      Get Verified

      If we find that a seller has provided false or misleading information during the verification process, we reserve the right to remove the verified badge and delete the account at our discretion.

      Request Verification

      Getting verified is simple. Submit your request for verification to You’ll receive a notification to confirm once we’ve reviewed the request. To avoid delays, don’t submit more than one request for verification. If your request is denied, you can resubmit after 30 days.

      Your verification request should include your:

      • Full Name
      • Phone Number
      • Aviators Market Account Email Address
      • Phone or utility bill*
      • Certificate of formation*
      • Articles of incorporation*
      • Tax exemption documents*
      *Required for business accounts only

      Email Now

      All documents are kept secure and are only used for the purpose of account verification or in the event of account fraud, documents will be provided to government agencies to pursue legal action. We never sell or publicly post any verification documents that are provided.

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