KT76A TRANSPONDER For Sale in Olathe, Kansas United States

      For Sale$275.00
      Posted by Jim Dexter Updated 10/5/2021

      images 3

      Hot Listing
      Product Photo Product Photo Product Photo
      For Sale$275.00

      Removed from aircraft to install ADS-B unit. Was working fine when removed.

      Posted by Jim Dexter Updated 10/5/2021

      Removed from aircraft to install ADS-B unit. Was working fine when removed.


      • Status
        For Sale
      • Condition
      • Make
      • Model
      • Serial #
      • Location
        Olathe, Kansas United States

      Includes shipping to USA addresses

      7 views this week.

      Seller Information

      Name: Jim Dexter
      Address: 15209 S Locust St
       Olathe, KS 66062
       United States

      Email Seller

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