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PRICE REDUCED! This late-model L-39 has a unique desert-cammo paint scheme, and updated panel, and low engine times. Get it before it's gone!
PRICE REDUCED! This late-model L-39 has a unique desert-cammo paint scheme, and updated panel, and low engine times. Get it before it's gone!
Gamin GNC 250XL GPS/Com
Garmin GMA 340 Audio Panel
Garmin GNS 430 GPS/Nav/Com
Garmin G5 ADI EFIS
Garmin G5 HSI EFIS
Garmin GTX 345 Transponder
Dual USB Ports
The aircraft has quick-response aileron tabs.
The aircraft has been fitted with strobe lights.
The cockpits are light gray overall, with black instrument panels and light gray desk panels. The interior airframe paint is very clean. The parachutes are original and are in good condition.
The exterior is a two-tone tan and green camouflage pattern with yellow accents various military insignias. The paint is in good condition. The canopies and windscreens are in good condition.